as creatives, we'll get divine downloads and be ready to race off to create our next six-figure digital product.

and then we'll open Canva up and have no idea how to design it.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

if this sounds like you, then my lovely human, i have the masterclass for you.⠀

hello my lovely human, you can call me vee.

i'm a serial creative, entrepreneur, and business coach with a mean eye for graphic design.

i've been using Canva as the number one design tool for business and beyond since 2016, and i've learned everything there is to know about the service.

Canva has unlimited potential when it comes to what you can create. From letterheads, presentations, to full-blown digital products you can sell within your creative business, you can do anything with Canva, no matter if you use it for free, or invest in Canva pro.

I'm here to give you a breakdown on how to use it to build, sustain, and scale your creative business online, and every product we go over in this masterclass will be yours to keep and use, forever!

see you in class!

Choose what works best for you: